
Statement – Call to protect religious freedom and religious harmony in Sri Lanka

National Christian Council of Sri Lanka Statement 20th June 2017 The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka, which represents the majority of non-Roman Catholic churches in Sri Lanka, is disturbed by some of the views expressed over the past few days in relation to the violence, intimidation and the threat posed against Christian churches in the country. We reiterate the fact that Christian churches have been subject to violence, intimidation and threats over the past few years. This is in addition to the many ongoing issues that the Christian community faces with regard to the construction of places of worship, the registration of churches, house churches, Christian education in state schools and the forced closure of churches etc. which successive governments have failed to address despite us having made clear representations to the relevant authorities. We are of the opinion that the current crisis, which has been precipitated through TV debates and pronouncements of politicians, is only trying to deal with the visible wounds and symptoms of a problem without trying to address the root causes. We recognise that many of the problems we face are precipitated by the actions of a small number of extremist elements within each religion. The Council has been involved, over very many years in, formal and informal, consultations and conversations with Religious leaders from all faiths and with a variety forums within the Christian community. We are confident that honest and frank dialogue sustained by a sincere commitment from the Religious Leaders of all faiths can reduce the tension without further damaging the Interfaith cordiality and harmony that has existed in this country. We once again stress, to all those in positions of authority, that it is of paramount importance that law and order should be enforced by the police without bias and fear. No individuals or groups should be allowed to take the law into their own hands and must be prevented from inappropriately using religious sentiments for personal or political ends. Only last week we issued a statement that was clear in both of these principles. We appeal to the government to take immediate steps to seek to resolve the underlying problems faced by religious minorities on this island and appeal to the Religious Leaders to come together to collectively address the crucial underlying issues, so that religious freedom for all religious communities is upheld in law and that the right of every individual to proclaim his or her own religion, and to contribute to public life, without being subjected to attack or ridicule, is respected and protected. Signed by: The NCCSL also represents the following Ecumenical Organizations:

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Localizing Response to Humanitarian Need: The Role of Religious and Faith Based Organizations

The NCCSL is delighted to be part of the host committee along with other partners to support Localizing Response to Humanitarian Need: The Role of Religious and Faith Based Organizations. Following up on commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit this Forum has been organised by a committee of 15 diverse international religious and faith- based networks active in humanitarian response, and a Sri Lankan host committee co- chaired by Venerable Banagala Upatissa Thero (Mahabodhi Society of Sri Lanka) and Reverend Ebenezer Joseph (National Christina Council of Sri Lanka) through the Interfaith Coalition for peace. The goal of the Forum is to explore diverse examples and methods of engagement of local religious and faith networks, so that policy makers, secular agencies and local faith actors may more effectively collaborate with each other in responding to humanitarian needs. Among the 150 international experts participating in the Forum are local religious leaders, representatives of local faith networks, religious and faith-based organizations, and secular and faith-based NGOs. Also present will be senior officials from bilateral, multilateral, donor, private sector organizations interested in further engagement with faith networks. The Forum planning committee, in consultation with local experts, selected Sri Lanka as a location for the working meeting because we have so much to learn from its long experience of religious and faith-based leadership in humanitarian response The local host committee is preparing a panel of experts to present lessons learned from the Sri Lankan experiences of local religious and faith-based engagement in peace making and reconciliation, and in responding to natural disasters. The local host committee includes: International bodies include: Act Alliance, Anglican Communion, Cadena, Finn Church Aid, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities , Network of Religious and Traditional Leaders, Muslim Aid, Muslim Charities Forum, Partnership for Faith and Development, Religions for Peace, Soka Gakkai International, World Council of Churches, World Evangelical Alliance, World Vision. The conference runs from 16-18 October. You can get up to date information on the conference here.

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Thanksgiving Service in Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Christian Conference of Asia and 500 Years of Reformation

The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), originally named as the East Asia Christian Conference, which began its ecumenical journey in March 1957, celebrates 60 years of proving a valuable service. It places itself as an institution of continuing cooperation among the churches and national Christian bodies in Asia, within the framework of the wider ecumenical movement.CCA is committed to the equal participation of women, men, youth, clergy and laity in church and society. Many Sri Lankans have played an important role in the life and witness of the CCA, such as, Rev. Dr. D.T. Niles, being the founding secretary, Rt. Rev. Kenneth Fernando, Mrs. Chithra Fernando, Rev. Duleep Fernando, Mr. Israel Paulraj, to name a few, while Rt. Rev. Diloraj R. Canagasabey holds office in the present Executive Committee.Further emphasizing the contribution made by Sri Lanka, the CCA General Assembly in the year 1995 was held in Sri Lanka, themed, Hope in God: in a Changing Asia.In October 2017, the world marked the five-hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. At the center of this movement stands Luther’s rediscovery of the Gospel message, interpreting the Bible in new ways, thereby calling into being many of the Protestant denominations that exist to this day.Taking into consideration these two important milestones in Church history, the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka has organised a thanks-giving service, to praise and thank God for the vision set on us.The service will be held at the 4.00pm on December 1. 2017 at the Christian Reformed Church, Galle Road, Colombo 04, incidentally being one of the oldest CRC churches in Sri Lanka. The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka, also takes the opportunity in felicitating and honouring those have made a significant contribution to the ecumenical movement through NCCSL and its constituent members.The communion service, commencing at 4pm, will be graced by all Heads of the member churches and foreign dignitaries, including the General Secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia Dr. Mathew George Chunakara, from Chiang Mai, Thailand.

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Unity Sunday Service 2018

In keeping with the tradition of observing the unity octave, an 8 day period from 18th to 25th of January each year, a joint worship service has been organized Sunday 21st January 2018 at 4.30 p.m. at the St. Lawrence’s Church, Wellawatte, Colombo 06. This joint worship Service has been organized by the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka and the Catholic National Commission for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue, on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church. The theme for 2018 is taken from the book of Exodus chapter 15, verse 6, Your Right o Lord, glorious in Power, focusing on the contemporary challenges of slavery which threatens the dignity of people around the world. During this period Christians across the world will come together to promote Christian Unity. Any church who would like to use the NCCSL order of service can download it here You can download the Worship and background material for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2018 from the world council of churches here

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Commemorating National Independence 04th February 2018

Service of Celebration A service and prayer and thanksgiving will be held at the Methodist Church, Colombo City Mission, 135 Dam Street, Colombo 12 at 6.30 on Sunday the 4th of February 2018, and will be attended by all heads of Churches, and other government officials, as it will be official Christian service in connection with the National celebrations. Fast and Pray for the Nation 2018 A special service of prayer and thanksgiving for the nation will be held on Sunday the 4th of February 2018, from 3.30 to 5.30 pm, at the lawn of the Cathedral of Christ the living Saviour, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07.Jointed organized by a collective of Christian Churches sphere headed by NCCSL, with the objective of gathering all the faithful to intercede to God for our nation and all its people so that we become a righteous nation, where all live in dignity and harmony. This will be of expression of the unity of the body of Christ, as well as celebrating the 70th anniversary of independence, where also prayers for the future wellbeing of our country and its citizens will be offered. For further details

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Statement on the forthcoming local Government Elections

The people of Sri Lanka are once again afforded an opportunity to exercise their right of universal franchise by engaging in an Election, to elect representatives of their choice to address the societal needs and aspirations at Local Government Level. Considering the value and importance of this democratic practice and with a view of sustaining its process and fulfillment of the demands and responsibilities there-in, The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) wishes to place on record the following: Signed Rt. Rev. D.R. Canagasabey – Chairperson of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka, and Bishop of Colombo, Church of Ceylon, Diocese of ColomboRev. Saman Perera and President, Presbytery of LankaRt. Rev. Dr. Daniel S. Thiagarajah, Bishop of Jaffna Diocese, Church of South IndiaRev. Asiri P. Perera, President/Bishop, Methodist Church of Sri LankaRev. Heshan De Silva President, Sri Lanka Baptist SangamayaRt. Rev. Keerthisiri Fernando – Bishop of the Church of Ceylon , Diocese of KurunegalaRev. Shirley Faber, President, Christian Reformed ChurchColonel Yousaf Masiah ,Territorial Commander, The Salvation ArmyRev. G. Nadarajah, President, Lanka Lutheran ChurchRev. Michael Dissanayake, General Superintendent and Chairman, Assemblies of God of CeylonRev. Leslie Keegal, President, Church of the Four Square Gospel Church in Sri Lanka.Rev. W.P. Ebenezer Joseph, General Secretary, National Christian Council of Sri Lanka The NCCSL also represents the following Ecumenical Organizations: Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA)Student Christian Movement (SCM)The Ceylon Bible SocietyChristian Literature SocietyTheological College of Lanka.Back to the Bible BroadcastColombo Theological SeminaryYouth for Christ

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Statement on the significant escalation in Inter-Religious tensions

The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka is deeply distressed at the significant escalation in Inter-Religious tensions which have lead to the loss of life and damage to property. We appeal to all Peace-Loving Citizens in this country to take into consideration the heavy price we have paid for nearly three decades of war and violence and to work towards the peaceful resolution of the issues that are causing these acts of violence which are not in line with the righteous principles upon which this country is founded. We appeal to all Political Parties and other formations to act with restraint and not to contribute further to the destabilisation of an already fragile Government, causing greater harm to the economy of the country and ultimately negatively affecting the poorer sections of our people. We appeal to all Law Enforcement Authorities to act without partiality and to consider their paramount duty is to ensure the security of every citizen of the country and to maintain law and order. We appeal to all Religious Leaders to act together, sustained by our spiritual resources, to collectively work towards resolving all the fear, hatred and suspicion that arises at a time like this. The Council reiterates its ongoing commitment to work with any and all Religious groups as we seek to collectively restore peace and harmony for every citizen of this country. Signed Rt. Rev. D.R. Canagasabey – Chairperson of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka, and Bishop of Colombo, Church of Ceylon, Diocese of ColomboRev. Saman Perera and President, Presbytery of LankaRt. Rev. Dr. Daniel S. Thiagarajah, Bishop of Jaffna Diocese, Church of South IndiaRev. Asiri P. Perera, President/Bishop, Methodist Church of Sri LankaRev. Heshan De Silva President, Sri Lanka Baptist SangamayaRt. Rev. Keerthisiri Fernando – Bishop of the Church of Ceylon , Diocese of KurunegalaRev. Shirley Faber, President, Christian Reformed ChurchColonel Yousaf Masiah ,Territorial Commander, The Salvation ArmyRev. G. Nadarajah, President, Lanka Lutheran ChurchRev. Michael Dissanayake, General Superintendent and Chairman, Assemblies of God of CeylonRev. Leslie Keegal, President, Church of the Four Square Gospel Church in Sri Lanka.Rev. W.P. Ebenezer Joseph, General Secretary, National Christian Council of Sri Lanka Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA)Student Christian Movement (SCM)The Ceylon Bible SocietyChristian Literature SocietyTheological College of Lanka.Back to the Bible BroadcastColombo Theological SeminaryYouth for Christ

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Towards a meaningful Christmas

To: All Clergy and Lay Leaders of the Church Dear friends, We are all preparing for the Christmas celebrations where our focus is mainly connected with the traditional Christmas parties, carol singing, dramas and other festive events. We will soon be immersed in the society around us that promotes various sales and bazaars, dinner dances, extravagant decorations, supermarket goodies, cakes, ingredients etc. We Christians consciously or unconsciously, very often tend to get attracted by these external extravaganzas and miss the real meaning of Christmas and are often dragged into worldly ‘tamashas’ in the name of Christmas. We need to remind ourselves that the ‘Incarnation’ points to one of the greatest sacrifices that God has made for all human beings. He emptied all His glory, power and authority in order to save you and me from the clutches of sin and slavery and for that He was born in a stable. Sacrifice and humility are hallmarks of what God has done for us at ‘Advent’. It is because of this matchless sacrifice that God made for us that we could experience forgiveness of sin and enjoy the fullness of life. Therefore, it is important that as we prepare for Christmas, that we do a sincere soul searching within. Do we really understand the sacrifice God has made for us? Are our celebrations on par with what God has done for us? In order to sincerely do that, we need to be vigilant as a Christian community, so as not to be absorbed into a commercialized and extravagant Christmas that the world offers us. We call all our faithful to spend time reflecting upon the true meaning of Christmas and to use this time to experience and encounter our God and strengthen our relationship with Him, Who was born amidst us, in order to redeem and save us from sin and free us from all forms of social injustice. All our celebrations should enable us to value the salvation we cherish, to experience the inner peace that Christ’s birth brings to us and to reflect peace and goodwill among all people. This will also help us worship the Child Jesus in spirit and truth. Therefore, we urge all our faithful to be vigilant. Be vigilant of being co-opted into a commercialized Christmas and instead focus on the spiritual meaning of the ‘Incarnation’. Attached herewith are some concepts and suggestions  be distributed among our congregations, which include few simple but meaningful ways for celebrating Christmas and to avoid being involved or absorbed in ‘tamashas’ of an extravagant commercialized Christmas. We also call for a day of prayer on the 22nd of November or on any convenient date to you in order to prepare ourselves to understand the meaning of Christmas and seek God’s guidance towards an appropriate way of celebrating the same. We need to remind ourselves that in the Orthodox tradition, a time of penance, fasting and prayer precedes the celebration of Advent. Let our celebration be meaningful, appropriate and enable us to prepare to meet the coming of our Lord. Signed: Rev. Heshan De Silva –  Chairperson of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka and President, Sri Lanka Baptist SangamayaRt. Rev. D.R. Canagasabey –Bishop of Colombo, Church of Ceylon, Diocese of ColomboRt. Rev. Keerthisiri Fernando – Bishop of Kurunegala – Church of CeylonRt. Rev. Dr. Daniel S. Thiagarajah, Bishop of Jaffna Diocese, Church of South IndiaRev. Asiri P. Perera, President/Bishop,  Methodist Church of Sri LankaRev. Saman Perera –  President, Presbytery of LankaRev. Shirley Faber, President, Christian Reformed ChurchColonel Yousaf Masiah, Territorial Commander,  The Salvation ArmyRev. G. Nadarajah, President, Lanka Lutheran ChurchRev. Michael Dissanayake, Chairperson,  Assemblies of God of CeylonRev. Leslie Keegal, President, Church of the Four Square Gospel Church in Sri Lanka.Rev. T. Thevanesan – President, the Church of the American Ceylon MissionRev. W.P. Ebenezer Joseph, General Secretary, National Christian Council of Sri Lanka The NCCSL also represents the following Ecumenical Organizations: Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA)Student Christian Movement (SCM)The Ceylon Bible SocietyChristian Literature SocietyTheological College of Lanka.Back to the Bible BroadcastColombo Theological SeminaryYouth for Christ Download Sinhala Letter Download Tamil Letter

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