Our Mission & Vision
The Mission
The Council shall initiate, promote and encourage its constituent churches and ecumenical organizations to:
- Witness and share the good news of God in Jesus Christ,
- Promote unity and fellowship in Christ;
- Strengthen Christian spirituality and renewal of the Holy Spirit in family, Church and society.
- Enhance Christian discipleship and commitment.
- Empower the next generation towards an active involvement in Church and society.
- Engage in the prophetic ministry of the Church.
- Extend service and development to all in need and particularly the poor and marginalized.
- Pursue the cause of justice and peace and to respect, protect and nourish all creation.
- Celebrate the diversity of all persons and promote reconciliation among diverse communities.
- Collaborate with people of other faiths and organisations for the common good of society.
The Vision
To promote ecumenical witness, seeking the unity that our Lord Jesus Christ prayed for, in realising the fullness of God’s reign here on earth.
Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the Council shall be to initiate and promote:
- Christian renewal, growth and maturity;
- Mission, witness and evangelism;
- Christian unity and fellowship;
- The prophetic ministry of the Church; and
- Christian service and participation in social transformation and reconciliation