Carbon Footprint Policy
The scriptures clearly indicate our responsibility to the environment and provide us with practical alternatives to protect the environment. The Lord has provided the full responsibility for us to be faithful stewards of the creation.
In the book of Genesis we are told that humans were created in God’s image and given a divine mandate to care for Creation (Gen. 1:26-31). Our vocation—our calling—is to partner with God in preserving and sustaining the earth with all the creatures and species that God has made. The word used in most translations is “dominion,” and the true meaning is what we would today call “stewardship.”
As a Christian church/organisation we have a direct concern for the well-being of our neighbours and a responsibility to care for creation. This policy seeks to guide the way which we take responsibility for reducing any harmful effects on the environment that we as a community may have. It also seeks to promote the understanding of sustainability in its broadest context. This will involve considering our effect as a community ourselves, our interaction with our local community and surroundings and as part of the global community and seeking to minimise our impact on the environment in all of our activities.
The carbon foot print policy is a document that all constituent members of the National Christian Council adhere in our effort in saving our planet. This policy will be made available to all as a guide for the decision making as appropriate. It can also be given to all users of the premises along with any advisory materials which may from time to time become available.