Christianity Examinations

Christianity Examinations

NCCSL coordinates a number of examinations to support developing and advanced knowledge of Christian education. They include

Certificate in Scripture Knowledge (CSK)

This new examination has been introduced at the request of many churches to cater to those who have not sat the examination for Christianity (Non RC) at the G.C.E. Ordinary level for a variety of reasons. This examination is open to those who completed their G.C.E. Ordinary level and will enable them to qualify to sit for NCRK examinations.

For more information please download the application form below:

Sinhala Medium CSK Exam Details
Tamil Medium CSK Exam Details

National Certificate of Religious Knowledge (NCRK)

The National Certificate of Religious Knowledge (NCRK) qualification is officially recognised by the Department of Examinations and is a compulsory requirement to enter the College of Education and to teach Christianity in schools.

As there is a shortage of Christian teachers in government schools it is our hope to motivate A/L students to sit for this examination and consider obtaining the training at College of education.

For more information please download the application form and infomration pack below:

Sinhala Medium NCRK Exam Details
Tamil Medium NCRK Exam Details

Religious Education Diploma Certificate Examination (REDC)

This one year advanced diploma course is open to all Christian teachers and lay leaders. A structured 10 modular teaching programme is conducted to prepare candidates for the examination. Candidates are trained to think and articulate in theological terms and the course will support them through higher education and work in the churches.

For more information please download the application form and information pack below:

Sinhala Medium REDC Exam Details
Tamil Medium REDC Exam Details

Sunday School Final Examinations

For student prepares for the O level examination.

For more information please download the application form and information pack below:

Sinhala Medium SST Exam Details
Tamil Medium SST Exam Details

Past Papers for O level examinations are available for download

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