ON SRI LANKA’S CURRENT CRISIS – 10th May 2022 The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) unreservedly condemns the cowardly and brutal attack against the peaceful civilian protests at both ‘Temple Trees and Galle Face Green’; which injured and hospitalized many, including the ‘religious’ – a monk and two Christian clergypersons. While disapproving of any act of violence against peaceful gatherings of civilians, we call for an immediate investigation and for due punishment in terms of the ‘law’ against those who purposely planned, instigated and promoted such illegal act infringing the democratic rights of the citizens of the country. We also call upon the Police, the Special Task Force (STF) and the Tri-forces to uphold the ‘right’ for peaceful protests which have been democratically continuing in all parts of the country and at the Galle Face Green for over thirty (30) days. We do not condone any act/s of violence in whatever form it takes. We acknowledge the anger and pain for the people who retaliated against the violence perpetrated against the peace-loving citizenry. However, we call upon all people to refrain from causing harm and damage to human life and property which will lead the country into a deepening crisis. We welcome the resignation of the Prime Minister and call upon the President to follow suit. We call for the establishment of an ‘Interim Government’ with the participation of respected and untainted political leaders and committed professionals to initiate the process of addressing the unprecedented economic and political crisis of our country, constitutional reform and a General Election bearing in mind the widespread demand for a ‘system change’ in the governance of the country. In conclusion, it is our fervent prayer that ‘change’ will be achieved through peaceful means. We call for calm, restraint and patience among our people in this very tense and delicate situation. Signed: 10th May 2022 Heads of Constituent Churches Rev. Ebenezer Joseph, Chairperson, National Christian Council of SL/President, Methodist Church of SL. Rt. Rev. Dushantha Rodrigo, Bishop of Colombo, Church of Ceylon,Rt. Rev. Keerthisiri Fernando, Bishop of Kurunegala, Church of CeylonRt. Rev. Dr Daniel Thiagarajah, Bishop of Jaffna, Church of South IndiaRev. Heshan De Silva, President, Sri Lanka Baptist Sangamaya Rev. Saman Perera, President/Moderator, The Presbytery of LankaRev. Shirley Faber, President, Christian Reformed Church,Col. Nihal Hettiarachchi, Territorial Commander, Salvation Army SL,Rev. Dr Chrisso Handy, General Superintendent/Chairman, Assemblies of God of CeylonRev. Harim Peiris, Acting President, Church of the Four-square Gospel in Sri LankaRev. Maxwell Doss, General Secretary, National Christian Council of SL Constituent Ecumenical Organizations Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA),Ceylon Bible Society,Christian Literature Society, Student Christian Movement (SCM), Back to the Bible Broadcast, Theological College of Lanka http://nccsl.org/web/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Statement-Sinhala-May-22-1.pdf