The NCCSL is delighted to be part of the host committee along with other partners to support Localizing Response to Humanitarian Need: The Role of Religious and Faith Based Organizations.
Following up on commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit this Forum has been organised by a committee of 15 diverse international religious and faith- based networks active in humanitarian response, and a Sri Lankan host committee co- chaired by Venerable Banagala Upatissa Thero (Mahabodhi Society of Sri Lanka) and Reverend Ebenezer Joseph (National Christina Council of Sri Lanka) through the Interfaith Coalition for peace.
The goal of the Forum is to explore diverse examples and methods of engagement of local religious and faith networks, so that policy makers, secular agencies and local faith actors may more effectively collaborate with each other in responding to humanitarian needs.
Among the 150 international experts participating in the Forum are local religious leaders, representatives of local faith networks, religious and faith-based organizations, and secular and faith-based NGOs. Also present will be senior officials from bilateral, multilateral, donor, private sector organizations interested in further engagement with faith networks.
The Forum planning committee, in consultation with local experts, selected Sri Lanka as a location for the working meeting because we have so much to learn from its long experience of religious and faith-based leadership in humanitarian response
The local host committee is preparing a panel of experts to present lessons learned from the Sri Lankan experiences of local religious and faith-based engagement in peace making and reconciliation, and in responding to natural disasters.
The local host committee includes:
- Faizer Khan Muslim Aid
- Firzan Hashim Asia Pacific Alliance for Disasters
- Mohammed Saleem Development Activist
- Saabira Mohideen Logistics Consultant
- Kavitha Vijayaraj Sarvodaya
- Rev. Ebenezer Joseph National Christian Council
- Urmila Selvanayagam World Vision
- Nagulan Nesiah Episcopal Relief & Development
International bodies include:
Act Alliance, Anglican Communion, Cadena, Finn Church Aid, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities , Network of Religious and Traditional Leaders, Muslim Aid, Muslim Charities Forum, Partnership for Faith and Development, Religions for Peace, Soka Gakkai International, World Council of Churches, World Evangelical Alliance, World Vision.
The conference runs from 16-18 October.